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CoastLife Church Blocked People From Leaving Service, Says Former Attendee | Red Flag Report

Writer's picture: Sarah Leann YoungSarah Leann Young

CoastLife Church Allegedly Blocked People From Leaving Service

According to the Statutes, Constitution, & Laws of Florida, “the term “false imprisonment” means forcibly, by threat, or secretly confining, abducting, imprisoning, or restraining another person without lawful authority and against her or his will.”

A recent attendee of CoastLife Church in Venice, Florida, alleges that on Sunday, February 25th, 2024, a few people tried to leave near the end of the service but were blocked by church staff wearing black shirts at the exit doors. They stated the people blocking the doors told them they had to wait until the end of the service to leave.  

One former attendee also wrote a letter to pastor Jason Warman, but according to the experience they shared with us, Warman has been impossible for them to contact or speak with personally. They’ve permitted us to share their letter with our readers, which we’ve included below:   


I am writing this correspondence to tell you what I experienced this past Sunday. I have been involved in church ministry for over 40 years. I love the Lord and have been searching for a church to get rooted again since my move to Venice. I have been having many questions since attending here for the past 10 months or so. I tried to contact the Pastor, but there is no way to make direct communication even through email.

I was just about to move on and try another church for several reasons, but prayed about it and asked the Lord to make it clear to me today what I should do. Yes, He does answer prayer. I will not be coming back. There is way too much control in this church. So structured that there is little room for the Holy Spirit to move. From being ushered to your seat. You can’t even choose where you want to sit on a Sunday. Then joining one of the many groups where the main discussion is the sermon from that week. I’ve already heard it once. I don’t need another meeting to discuss it.

Way too much time was spent talking about giving and the tithe. I am a strong believer in the tithe, but it takes a good portion of the same talk every week. It feels like pressure is being put on people. Their financial statement is the pie chart online. Nothing with a detailed explanation. I saw that the administration gets a substantial chunk of the tithe. Again, very suspicious.

There’s no mention of the difficult time our nation is in. No prayer for our country. No prayer for peace. No mention of hot-button issues. We are one nation Under God and it does a huge disservice to not take a stand. Throughout the Bible, the people of God fought the unjust establishment, talked about it, and prayed about it. Not to live in fear, but to understand how to have victory. The guest speaker mentioned the word abortion and Nancy Pelosi. I didn’t see anyone fall off their chair. It’s a disgrace when the church will not stand up for truth despite different parties. I wonder why not? Maybe you’re afraid it will affect the money.


Where is the flow with the gifts of the Spirit? Not just speaking in tongues, but healing,

deliverance, etc.? Too much structure blocks out the freedom for the Spirit to move. This is a church that targets the youth very heavily, forgetting there are adults that attend as well. This can be seen in the music. Blaring loud with smoke and fancy lighting.

Today the service was all but over and I had to leave. It was 1 ½ hours, and it was right before the time when you always call for people to raise your hand and get your ticket to heaven. Where does repentance and life change fit in? I got up to leave the service since it was at the end and was BLOCKED from leaving in the back of the church with around 5 other people who also wanted to leave. We were blocked with crossed elbows by several people in black shirts. I was told I could not leave till it was over.

Do I need to give a reason why? This is wrong on so many levels and is just another example of control. Was I to ask if I could go to the bathroom? After standing in the back and getting more upset by the minute, I decided to go over again and break through.

Then one of the CoastLife women ran after me. She said I couldn’t leave because they were getting ready to do the prayer and said, “Don’t you care about the people who might raise their hand?” Then she questioned me. “Are you saved?” I said for 40 years (well maybe 50 now.) Yes, I’m saved. What kind of question was that? She came down as condescending and judgmental, so I just left. After everything I’ve experienced at this church, I will not be returning to CoastLife Church.


CoastLife Church’s website doesn’t request that people remain seated until the end of service, nor do they mention blocking exits during the service or confining people to the auditorium during services. I emailed CoastLife Church multiple times and asked if they have any policies or practices for blocking the exits during service. They've declined to respond to my questions and the allegations that people were blocked from leaving during one of their services.

Even if CoastLife had a policy like this or requested that people remain seated in the auditorium during service, there's no justifiable or legal reason to physically confine or prevent them from leaving for any reason. I believe to do so‌ would be false imprisonment and a huge red flag that the church is highly controlling and abusive. It wouldn’t be the first red flag I’ve noticed at CoastLife Church, and I’m willing to bet it won’t be the last. 

Please check your church carefully, Christians. The sheep’s wool of the wolf can be anything you find attractive or important in a church, but what lurks beneath the political views you hold dear and the biblical doctrine you find essential can be destructive, abusive, and in opposition to everything Jesus Christ and His Gospel stands for. 

As always, examine everything, use Christ-like discernment, protect the sheep, and please do not feed the wolves. 


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