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Church Check: Christian Life Assembly of God in Payson, Utah

Writer's picture: Sarah Leann YoungSarah Leann Young

Updated: Aug 16, 2020

Basic Church Information

Church Name: Christian Life Assembly of God

Senior/Lead Pastor: Lee Ponder

Address: 1498 South 1700 West Payson, UT 84651

Phone: 801-465-3838


Denomination: Assembly of God

Preaching Style: Verse by verse/Expository

Membership Requirements: Yes

Tithes/Compelled Giving: Yes

Financial Transparency: Yes - Partial

Answered Questionnaire: Yes

Online Services: See the church's Facebook Page

Affiliations: Assembly of God, Celebrate Recovery

The Questionnaire

1. What is your church's official position on tithing?

“We believe that tithing is a Biblical concept taught in scripture. In our church it is voluntary and a matter between the individual and God.”

2. Does your church have a particular set of rules or requirements that members must follow or abide by in order to retain their membership status with the church?

“To be a voting member there are attendance requirements and a commitment to support the church with prayer and finances. These requirements are only for those that want to vote to elect leaders and be a part of the decision process of how monies will be spent.”

3. What is your church's official position on the doctrine of salvation? Through grace, works, both?

“We believe that a person is saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.”

4. Are you transparent with your church's financial information? How much does your church bring in through donations and tithing, and how is that money distributed? What do your profit on average?

“We provide a complete annual financial report to every attender. Any attender can request a financial report at any time during the year. Monies are distributed by our board of deacons which are elected by the voting members. It takes a 2/3 vote of the voting members to incur indebtedness, to sell property or to make large expenditures.”

5. Which denomination does your church align with the most, if any?

“Assemblies of God”

6. Is your church's pastor available for other questions or comments regarding the church, its doctrines, etc.?


7. How is your church's doctrinal flexibility and tolerance? If a member has a disagreement with the pastor or leadership on a certain doctrine, how is it handled? Does the church change its position on doctrines fairly often, if at all?

“Our doctrine is based solely on the teachings of the Bible. If someone can point out where the church is in violation of biblical principles we would change our beliefs. Our congregation is encouraged to examine what is taught with what they read in the Bible, and to ask questions for clarity if needed.”

8. Does your church require that its members be baptized? What is your church's official position on baptism?

“We believe that water baptism is a biblical concept. Each person is encouraged to follow Jesus’ example by being baptized. Water baptism is a public proclamation as to a person’s salvation, not a requirement of salvation.”

9. Please describe what a typical service and/or meeting looks like in your church.

“Worship (congregation singing) Prayer -Preaching/teaching from the Bible -Altar time (people can respond for salvation or ask for prayer for their needs).”

10. How many people do you have on staff at your church, both paid and volunteer?

“1 Paid 5 volunteers”

11. What is the pastor's educational history?

“BA in pastoral ministry AA in Christian Education”

12. How does the church discipline its members with their sin?

“From the biblical example of first to go to the person one on one; then to take two other with you; then if there is no resolution the congregation will decide what the discipline will entail according to the bible.”

13. How is the pastor compensated (income, benefits, bonuses, etc.)?

“The Pastor receives a salary that is set by the board of deacons.”

14. What is the size of your church and any other space the church owns for meetings and church services?

“We are a church of approx.. 120 people. We own 5 acres and a 6000 sq ft building.”


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